
Embrace change & strengthen your business with The Adviser Platform

New Zealand’s financial adviser industry is changing. The Adviser Platform (TAP) is here to help advisers who are driven to succeed, by providing them with the tools and support they need to remain fully compliant so that they can focus on creating long-term success.

Time to Evolve

Typically, advisers are telling us they are:

  • Frustrated with the amount of time they spend on day to day admin
  • Concerned about issues with data quality and consistency in their CRM
  • Annoyed at trying to be a business owner, sales manager, and administrator at the same time
  • Worried about how well their business stacks up in the face of changing regulations

TAP is a full-service platform for advisers, that gives advisers the support they need to focus on
what really matters, their clients.

The Adviser Platform provides:

  • An industry-leading admin support team
  • Bespoke CRM for New Zealand advisers
  • Clear, practical regulatory and compliance advice
  • A team who is invested in your long-term success

We don’t just tell advisers how to grow a great business, we help them do it! 

We provide the framework and guidance for advisers wanting to become their own Financial Advice Provider, and The Adviser Platform is also becoming a FAP for those advisers looking to work under a larger managed FAP.

We know IFAs are the future of advice in New Zealand. We also know that advisers who adapt quickly, embrace change and always have a long-term business focus will dominate the industry.

If this sounds like you, TAP can add some real value to your business.

To find out more visit or contact 0800 827 699.

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