Cashbacks rather an interest rates the fight for banks

Compared to other countries, New Zealand’s banks infighting is mainly on cashbacks rather than interest rates in the mortgage sector.

Four decades of 6-7% yearly house price growth ending

New Zealander’s reliance on property capital gains in the mid-single digits is at an end.

Turnaround times for mortgage applications spin out again

After some catch-up in January, mortgage advisers say turn around times for home loan applications have again reached the “train wreck” stage they were at in October.

Alarming acceptance of liar loans

More than half of Kiwis under 25 think it is acceptable to inflate their income on mortgage and consumer credit loan applications.

Today's Rate Changes

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Property News

Leaving last year's stumbling housing market behind

Leaving last year's stumbling housing market behind

As interest rates ease and job losses climb, New Zealand’s housing market faces a mixed year of modest growth, with conflicting forces shaping the outlook for homebuyers and investors.

Don’t bet on house prices rising faster than incomes

Don’t bet on house prices rising faster than incomes

Former Reserve Bank Governor and National Party leader Don Brash says there are grounds for believing that house prices may finally have ended the three-decade period when they rose significantly faster than incomes.

Similar Price Growth

Similar Price Growth

Although houses prices typically rise more than apartments over the long-term, the gap is not as wide as many people expect.

Top Mortgage Rates

SBS FirstHome Combo 4.39
Unity First Home Buyer special 4.69
Co-operative Bank - First Home Special 5.09
Kiwibank Special 5.19
Co-operative Bank - Owner Occ 5.19
TSB Special 5.19
Nelson Building Society 5.24
AIA - Go Home Loans 5.25
ASB Bank 5.25
Unity 5.29
Kainga Ora 5.29
AIA - Go Home Loans 4.99
Unity 4.99
TSB Special 4.99
Kainga Ora 4.99
ICBC 4.99
ANZ Special 4.99
ASB Bank 4.99
Kiwibank Special 5.19
Co-operative Bank - Owner Occ 5.19
Nelson Building Society 5.24
Wairarapa Building Society 5.29
Westpac Special 5.39
ICBC 5.49
BNZ - Classic 5.59
SBS Bank Special 5.69
AIA - Go Home Loans 5.69
ASB Bank 5.69
Kainga Ora 5.79
BNZ - Std 5.79
TSB Special 5.89
Kiwibank Special 5.89
Co-operative Bank - Owner Occ 5.89
AIA - Back My Build 4.44
SBS FirstHome Combo 4.44
CFML 321 Loans 5.25
Co-operative Bank - Standard 6.45
Co-operative Bank - Owner Occ 6.45
Heartland Bank - Online 6.49
Kiwibank - Offset 6.75
Kiwibank Special 6.75
Kiwibank 6.75
Kainga Ora 6.89
AIA - Go Home Loans 6.89
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People News

Avanti Finance expands property team

Avanti Finance expands property team

Avanti Finance expands property team with new business development manager.

FMT adds new Auckland BDM

FMT adds new Auckland BDM

FMT strengthens its presence in the Auckland market with a new business development manager. 

Alpha First lures 20-year ANZ stalwart

Alpha First lures 20-year ANZ stalwart

Bruce Bodley-Davies has been appointed Investor Relations Manager at Alpha First.

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KiwiSaver News

No lid on KiwiSaver fees as balances grow

No lid on KiwiSaver fees as balances grow

As KiwiSaver balances continue to swell the scheme is becoming a cash cow for investment managers, prompting one industry observer to question why there is not more downward pressure on fees.

Lock-up vs liquid: why a KiwiSaver cornerstone could change

Lock-up vs liquid: why a KiwiSaver cornerstone could change

With confidence in KiwiSaver underpinned by members’ ability to switch funds types and providers at a drop of hat, just how that will marry with long-term investment in potentially illiquid private assets remains in question.

KiwiSaver market share leader ANZ at bottom of performance table

KiwiSaver market share leader ANZ at bottom of performance table

The latest Morningstar KiwiSaver report shows the largest provider, ANZ with $22 billion under management, continues to be outperformed by most other providers in the core diversified fund categories.