On December 1 landlords must include a separately signed healthy homes standards compliance statement in most new or renewed tenancy agreements.
The compliance statement requires certain details of the rental property’s current level of compliance with the healthy homes standards.
Updated Tenancy Services Residential Tenancy Agreement and Boarding House Agreement templates have been provided by MBIE which includes the new information requirements. [You can download them in our Tools section here].
If landlords are using their own tenancy agreement template, a healthy homes standards compliance statement template is available on the website here for downloading.
This template is comprehensive to help ensure landlords enter all information required under the regulations. It also incorporates the requirements of the insulation statement, which has been required in new tenancy agreements since July 1, 2016, and therefore it will not be necessary to include a separate insulation statement in future, if landlord’s use either the Tenancy Services’ agreement template or statement template.
Landlords can be fined up to $500 for failure to include and sign this statement from December 1.
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