Natalia Abbott has been promoted to the role of Adviser Distribution Manager. She brings to this role experience and relationships from her previous Adviser Distribution Consultant role, as well as other operational roles she has held within Partners Life.
Andrea Thomson has been appointed to replace Abbott as Adviser Distribution Consultant, based in the Auckland office. She brings strong relationship skills to the role, coupled with adviser industry training and compliance experience.
Jay Nam is a new South Island-based Adviser Distribution Manager. He is based in Christchurch and working with advisers in the South Island. Nam brings years of experience across a diverse range of organisations – he served with the New Zealand Defence Force for more than five years before entering the life insurance industry. He completed a Biomedical Science degree and has extensive ACC, WINZ, claims and relationship building experience.
Gavin Neal and his wife Lorme are the new parents of a baby boy and after much thought have made the tough decision to return to Auckland to move nearer to their close friends and family. Neal will be taking up a new role in Partners' Operations team.
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