Think of office property and, no doubt, it’s tall, glittering office blocks in a city’s CBD that spring to mind. In many ways, such properties do dominate the office sector landscape.
But office property is more diverse – there’s plenty of smaller, suburban office buildings around.
There are some additional complications with the sector though.
Smaller office properties are often mixed use and incorporate either office and retail space or office and industrial space. As such they are often adapted to specific tenants and defy easy categorisation.
Perhaps for this reason, much of the information about office property tends to focus on those larger-scale office blocks.
While owning such properties might seem out of reach for most investors, many who invest through real estate investment trusts (REITs) or syndicates actually do have investments in big, centrally-located office blocks.
In this month’s issue of NZ Property Investor magazine, we shine the sector spotlight on office property.
We take a look at how office markets are performing around the country, at some of the trends shaping them and get some advice from those in the know.
This article is the second in our commercial property sector spotlight series: in December we looked at the retail property sector. Next month we’ll take a look at the industrial property sector.
To read the full article on either the office property sector or the retail sector, click here to get the digital issue of NZ Property Investor magazine.
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