New NZPIF president Sharon Cullwick
It has been announced that Hawkes Bay investor Sharon Cullwick is the NZPIF’s new president, taking over from Terry le Grove.
Cullwick, who has been a property investor since 1998 and owns property throughout the North Island, says she is very excited to be awarded the position and proud to be the first woman to fill the role.
While uncertainty around new government housing policy and a softer market mean there are challenges for investors, she says it is still an exciting time in the world of property.
“We have noticed the average age of members is increasing and some of those people have decided that they will get out if it gets too hard.
“So my main focus as president will be on growing membership throughout the country and across the age groups.”
She also really wants to get the message out to the wider public that property investors are average people just trying to make a living, she adds.
Cullwick, who was formerly the NZPIF secretary, joined the NZPIF’s executive committee in 2016 but has a long history of involvement with property investor associations.
She joined the Waikato Property Investors Association in 2010, served on its committee from 2013 to late 2016 and was elected WPIA vice president in 2016.
Prior to that she was involved with the Rotorua Property Investors Association between 2005 and 2009.
She was a member of the Auckland Property Investors Association from 2002 – 2005 when she helped set up the New Investors Group and was the coordinator of the Eastern Group.
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